In Part 3 How to select a filter for water, we are the category of the sediment filter to address some of the most difficult problems and sediment through some misunderstanding about the water, in the end simply does not belong to the category of sediments. Let's start with the discussion of filtration. A micron is a unit of measurement metrics, and is extremely small. There are 25 400 microns in an inch. As for water filters, the smaller the number of microns, the smaller the pores in the waterFilter. Avoid the classic mistake of starting point is too small. Many people think that if five micrometers is good, better than a micron. This is not true. When you start to narrow down your system will suffer the loss of pressure caused by constipation. The choice of the proper fineness of the filter is very unique in your sediments. If you sand that is large enough to be identified visually, then you probably do not need a 1-micron. Grains of sand are everywhere 75-150 microns, so a 50 micron wateris the right thing to make your problem under control sediments. However, if ultra-fine sediments that feels slippery and it is so small that it is impossible to visually identify a single particle, you almost certainly need much more rigorous. They begin to lose control as standard and close down until the desired effect. For those installing new plants, buying more cartridges with different nuances, so you can experiment and find out what works and what does not.Do not be afraid to experiment! If you are an industry standard size container of water filter, you are not locked into one type of water filter cartridge. For complex reasons beyond the scope of this article, a variety of media may work better than others, so if you are not satisfied with the results of a cartridge, just try another. Even if your water filter works well, you can always test drive the new filters to find better performance.
For difficult topics sedimentsIt may take a multi-stage filtration. This includes several water-filter water filtration filters lower in each successive stage of the filter. This is needed in situations where a wide range of sizes of the sediments. Maybe you have an asset that is sand (large particles) and coarse clay (small particles), spitting, and if you can, maybe to get one with decent filtration water filter housing, you will have better results from a two- levels. In someSituations, the particle size is not so obvious, but if you have serious amounts of sediment in the range 50-50 microns, you can use a single cartridge 5 micron is the best way to get the desired level of quality, but will probably need to frequently change water filters because of constipation problems. Following in this situation, a water system with a dual 5 micron filter 25 micron provides significantly better results. Another problem would be water from a pond or streamis the large organic matter that may Rusco followed with a spin-down of sediment by a two-stage water filter filter filter. Every circumstance is unique, but complicated problems of sediment can usually be solved with a multi-stage water filter.
Water Filter
The category of sediments would not be fully discussed until automatic filter backwash sediments. These systems are usually 40-50 cm high with a control valve on top of the tank. He looks like a normalWater softener. These systems use a water filter cartridges, and require little maintenance. The exact filter depends on the brand, but basically do the same thing. To remove the sediment to a specific micron, then backwash the filter medium based on time or the total water consumption.
In addition to the real problems of sediment, there are other problems commonly mistaken for a water-sediment issues. The first is the hardness mineral or hard water. This is water that is highThe levels of minerals that precipitate out of the scale and form of water. Problems chip off the scale and causes clogging of screens and tap water is generally misunderstood as a problem of sediment. This is a sediment filter to capture these dimensions scaly, but not the real problem. Hard water is best treated with a water softener. The second question is wrong ferruginous water, which is often misunderstood as a problem of sediment, but in reality it is not.
That's all for theSediment category. In our next article we will taste and smell category.
How to choose a water filter part 3: Sediment Filter
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